Friday, November 02, 2012

Halal & Haram Food in Japan

Not all food can be eaten by a Muslim in Japan. In accordance with God commanded us not to eat the forbidden meal, eg pork, meat not slaughtered by calling the names of Allah, foods or drinks that contain alcohol, and others.

Islam strictly forbids carrion, blood, the flesh, and animals slaughtered without the use of sharia, as the word of Allah in the Holy Qur'an Sura Al Baqarah 2:173.

"He hath only forbidden you carrion, blood, pork, and animals (when killed) called (name) except Allah. But if anyone in a state of forced (to eat) is he does not want it and not (also) exceeds the limit, it is no sin for him. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful "

On the basis of reason, below is a list of foods that can not be eaten because it contains the following ingredients:

List Haram Food Products

Well, these's List Halal Food Products:


For different kinds of meat, beef, chicken, sausage, liver, etc., can be purchased at kosher delicatessen. In addition to halal meat, a variety of foods from the sea or rivers like sea food can be eaten, such as fish, shrimp, squid, crab, etc..

In addition to views of the types of materials are contained, there are several types of products that are guaranteed halal by the Islamic Association of Nagoya.

Among others:
  • Biscuits, Calbee potato chips (all edible except those containing ingredients above), Doritos cheese flavor, Bourbon (choco chip cookies, etc.), Meiji, Lotte (ice cream, biscuits, chocolate, sweets) many of these products can be eaten except containing material above.
  • Instant noodles, udon, soba, there are some that do not contain shoyuu, sake, mirin, broth, meat / chicken / pork to eat. For shoyuu, there is that does not contain alcohol like maru Tokusen daizu shoyuu.
  • Yogurt, Meiji, Morinaga, Ohayou that do not contain gelatin halal food.
  • Margarine, butter (butter) derived from edible plants.
  • Sushi, sashimi, including Japanese food is halal.
Above are just a few examples aja mentioned, in fact there are many more types of food that can be eaten.
For fast food is not all kosher type, the best step is to ask directly to the waiter when purchased.



  1. Replies
    1. Hi,
      Please check about halal food in Japan in this website:


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